I have always needed clarification on this text. Why does Jesus say that he has not come to change even the tiniest details of the law when we know that
he and his disciples seem to disregard some aspects of the law? Isn’t it the case that the norms and practices of our Christian faith are vastly different from those laid down in the Law of the Old Testament? There seems to be a contradiction.
Jesus says he has come not to abolish the law but to fulfil it. What does that mean? What was the purpose of the law? For the Israelites, the law was how God was inviting them to remain close to him. It was also a way to bring unity to the people. It gave guidance on how to relate with the rest of creation. Its purpose was relational.
Jesus fulfils the law because he is the embodiment of its purpose. Second, Jesus enables us to have a lasting, rich, deep, and simple
relationship with God. Third, Jesus brings healing to our relationships with other people. Finally, Jesus reconciles us with the rest of creation.
Jesus may have changed the letter of the law, but he has brought to a beautiful completion its spirit. He has kept every comma and full stop, the dot of every i and the cross of every t in God’s desire to be close to us.
Take time today to reflect on the state of your relationship with Jesus. Does it depend on external formalities, or is it a heart-to-heart friendship? Is this friendship reconciling you with God, others and creation?