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What to do if fresh herbs are not available to prepare juices?
Dr JV Hebbar
If the dry herb is available, then
कुडवं चूर्णितं द्रव्यम् क्षिप्तं च द्विगुणे जले ।
अहोरात्रं स्थितं तस्माद्भवेद्वा रस उत्तमः ||
kuḍavaṃ cūrṇitaṃ dravyam kṣiptaṃ ca dviguṇe jale |
ahorātraṃ sthitaṃ tasmādbhavedvā rasa uttamaḥ ||
Sharangdhara Samhita Madhyama Khanda, 1/3
In the case of part of a plant which is soft and dry in nature, the part should be crushed and soaked in twice the amount of water overnight. Next morning the plant is macerated and filtered using a cloth. Example- extract of dhanyaka beeja (seeds of Coriandrum sativum Linn.)
Here, by soaking the plant in water overnight, the active ingredients which are in the part of the plant gets soaked in water. The next morning when the plant is macerated, the principle is released due to the mechanical force.
Read: Swarasa - Fresh Juice Extracts of Herbs
Another method:
आदाय शुष्कद्रव्यं वा स्वरसानामसम्भवे ।
जले अष्टगुणिते साध्यं पादशिष्टं च गृह्यते ॥
ādāya śuṣkadravyaṃ vā svarasānāmasambhave |
jale aṣṭaguṇite sādhyaṃ pādaśiṣṭaṃ ca gṛhyate ||
Sharangdhara, Madhyamakhanda, 1/4.
In case of a dry part of the plant where extracting the fresh juice is difficult, the plant is crushed and added with 8 parts of water. Then the mixture is taken in a vessel, boiled and reduced to 1/4th of the original quantity and filtered using a cloth. Example- extract from Ashoka bark (Saraca asoca Roxb.)
Any herbal juice that is used as nasal drops?
This should be done under medical supervision.
Tulsi (Holy Basil) leaf juice - 2 drops to each nostril is instilled to drain out accumulated phlegm in sinusitis
Can the herbal juice be refrigerated?
Not totally in line with principles of Ayurveda, but allowed in edge cases.
Giloy Juice and Amla Juice Traditional Use:
अमृताया: रस: क्षौद्रयुक्त: सर्वप्रमेहजित् ।
हरिद्राचूर्णयुक्तो वा रसो धात्र्या: समाक्षिक: ॥ शा. सं.
amṛtāyā: rasa: kṣaudrayukta: sarvapramehajit |
haridrācūrṇayukto vā raso dhātryā: samākṣika: ||
12 ml of Guduchi - Giloy - Tinospora cordifolia swarasa + 6 ml of honey - for chronic urinary tract disorders.
12 ml of amla juice extract with 3 grams of turmeric powder + 3 ml of honey – For chronic urinary tract disorders.
Aloe Vera Juice:
निशाचूर्णयुत: कन्यारस: प्लीहापचीहर: ॥
niśācūrṇayuta: kanyārasa: plīhāpacīhara: ||
12 ml of Aloe vera juice + 500 mg of turmeric – Pleeha - Spleen related disorders, splenomegaly, Apachi (tumors, fibroids)
Karela Juice for diabetes:
How much karela juice is good for diabetic patients or for prevention of diabetes/blood sugar control, without aggravating vata with the tikta rasa?
10 ml – 2 times a day, after food – FBS – 150 HbA1c ~6.5-7
Sesame oil in diet will balance Vata Dosha
How much brahmi leaf juice can one take daily for improving the memory?
1 tablespoon – once a day. Brahmi ghrita is a better product.
Can fresh coriander juice be used for nasya in a nose bleed? Also orally?
Doorva - Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers. Nasya is indicated.
Compare one or two best and worst combination of fruits and vegetable juices.(like mocktail)
Tulsi swarasa with milk
Milk with sour fruit juice
Milk with amla juice
Spinach with sesame seed – Indian spinach (Basella rubra) processed along with sesame seed paste. It causes diarrhea.
Read: Bad Food Combinations And Solution As Per Ayurveda
Market available readymade herbal juices like Giloy Juice, Aloe Vera Juice etc.:
Always use after mixing equal quantities of water.
Consume it only once a day.
Do not use it for more than a month, they contain preservatives.
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Ramayana and Mahabharata are the greatest Indian Epics of Indian literature written in Sanskrit. It is an epic narrative of the Kurukshetra war including the battle between the Pandava and Kaurava princes. It is translated as ‘The great tale of the Bharata Dynasty’..... Click to read more
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