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Can you please suggest vegetarian Protein Foods for Vata Dosha Balance?
Dr JV Hebbar
Vata dosha is often compared to air. Air is light,
there is no weight and there is no nutrition. Hence, all de-nourishing and cleansing foods such as spices, bitter herbs like neem, curry leaves, astringent herbs such as mango seed kernel etc. increase Vata dosha.
Nourishing foods such as proteins, sweet foods, carbohydrates etc. balance down Vata dosha.
proteins, veg or non veg, decreases Vata dosha.
Only pain point here is, some veg protein sources like dal (lentils), beans etc. can cause gas formation, because they contain FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols). This part of the lentils is not digested well and causes bloating etc. issues.
To counter it,
You can
soak them for a few hours before cooking them.
You can cook them thoroughly.
You can use small quantities of sesame oil or ghee or any healthy cooking oil in your diet. Sesame oil, ghee etc. balance down Vata dosha.
You can also add cumin, fennel, fenugreek to your lentil dish along with oil. These will counter any Vata dosha aggravation
Read: Diet And Lifestyle Advice For Vata Dosha Body Type
Tofu, chickpeas, peanuts, almond, spirulina, quinoa, hemp seed, granola, paneer etc. are a few examples of protein rich vegetarian
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