Hi Peak Performer!
I've got a question for you...
And it's who do you turn to for exercise?
Do you have a training partner?
Are you on a team?
Because here's the thing...
And I'm only speaking for myself, but maybe you're the same?
I find it easier to train if I know others are involved. When it's just me it's easier to back out or do a little less than planned.
Take last weekend for example.
My brother reached out about doing a ride on Saturday.
But not just any ride. He wanted to do a ride around the lake.
I didn't get back to him right away. I wanted to think about it. I wanted to check the forecast.
Basically I think I may have been looking for a reason to back out.
But Friday evening rolled around and I was out of time and excuses. The ride was happening.
We were clipped in and crossing the bridge just after 630 am on Saturday and had completed 140+ km in just under 5 hours.
It was a great day, we beat the heat and got in around 1900 m of climbing in that time.
And to be honest, I wouldn't have done it solo.
The next day was spent on the Wibit water park with the girls and some friends for Sunday afternoon.
If you're not familiar with this activity it's basically some big inflatables anchored on the lake that you play on by crawling, jumping and pulling yourself through the obstacles.
So, you may be thinking, that's great but how does this relate to my fitness goals?
Well, here are 4 takeaways from this.
1. Friends hold you accountable
When you have an appointment you are more likely to show up than if the plan doesn't involve anyone else. I can remember going to meet friends to run stairs but it started raining. No one else showed up and I would have skipped as well had I known no one else was going. But the thought of meeting others was enough to get me there. And oftentimes, showing up is the hardest part.
2. You will learn new things
Whenever I train with others I learn new things. This could be a better position on the bike. Or maybe a more effective stride when running. It could be a new mobility drill to include in my workouts. And sometimes you learn a whole new sport or activity that wouldn't have tried on your own.
3. You will push harder
Anyone that has been an athlete knows it's easier to do conditioning in a group. And how much harder it is to do on your own. When you run with someone else there can be some banter and conversation. And when the pace picks up you are better able to do so compared to doing it solo. Plus, when you train with those faster/stronger than you are, you get faster/stronger.
4. You will have more fun
On Sunday at the Wibit there is one feature where one person sits on a pillow and the other person jumps on the opposite end. This compresses all the air and the increased pressure sends the other person flying into the air. When Olivia and I did this, she went soaring into the air and surfaced with a huge smile on her face. Her comment to Alexandra was that she got thrown so high she had to fix her ponytail.
There are more reasons than this train with others.
But if you're someone that struggles to get started and stay in the habit of exercising, reach out to a friend that is known to be active. Or send us a message and we'll find a solution for you as well.
Other news to share...
1. Good Luck AquaJets
There are a number of AquaJets in Montreal this week competing at the Canadian Swimming Championships. Good luck to:
Aiden Kirk
Dakota Wiman
Kodi Wiman
Kassua Dreyer
Cam Chambers
Kierra Smith.
2. New on IG
If you're going to spend time on social media, hopefully it will result in some new knowledge or tips to help your fitness and performance.
Here are some of the more recent posts on the OPP page:
* Recap and pictures from the dinner at Yamas restaurant on July 6
* Using the Cossack Squat to improve hip mobility
* How to improve your overhead dumbbell press
* A common fault with kettlebell swings, and how to avoid it
* 4 options to perform a barbell front squat
To check out these tips and more, give us a follow at:
Okanagan Peak Performance Inc. (@okanaganpeakperformance) • Instagram photos and videos
3. Spotlights Coming
There have been some amazing achievements and results at OPP recently. And the coaches are putting the finishing touches on writing these up for some spotlights.
These are important to do as we all want to see each other succeed. Plus it gives all of us a little encouragement that maybe we could do something similar.
Stay tuned!
4. Quote of the Week
I remember working with an athlete that signed with a new team and went to the training centre for the first time. And in the locker room was a large sign that said:
Believe or Leave
That's pretty specific, isn't it?
And it sums up what the culture is for that team.
You need to all-in, on-board and a team player. Otherwise you're a distraction, a deterrent or negative energy.
And in a similar way the same applies for your health and fitness.
You need to believe in the process, in the program, in your coach, and most importantly, in yourself.
You have to trust that consistent efforts, over time, lead to a successful outcome.
But when you don't believe, you hold back. You find excuses rather than solutions. And pretty soon you may pack it in and quit.
If you need some help to figure out some reasonable goals for yourself, make sure to connect with one of our coaches and we'll be in touch.
That's all for now.
Have a great week.