Emojics is the easiest and fastest way to collect and analyze user feedback thanks to our online feedback tool: Reaction Buttons, Feedback Emoji, and Email Widget.
Collect more lead and increase the number of your subscribers you capture when they say they like your service. With Emojics reaction buttons you can interact with your users based on their feelings. When your users click on Smile, Heart, or Like Emoji it shows that they are in love with your product or your content and you have more chances to acquire a new subscriber at the right time. Emojics changes the way to ask and collect feedback. People love to share their feelings but they hate wasting time. Reaction buttons makes it fast and fun! With Emojics you can collect three time more feedback than with a classic pop-up. Be able to interact with your users knowing their feeling is a huge power. Promote, notify and convert site visitors with our reaction buttons. Announce new sale discount or a product update or just say thank you to your users!
Author: Integrations Partners